Wednesday 24th April
Session 1. Animal genetic resource management in harsh environments: Current status, challenges and potential advantages
- Room: ARI Seminar Room
- Chair: Ligda / Charvolin-Lemaire
- Session Type: Theme session
15:00Breed diversity in the Mediterranean region, setting the scene
G. Leroy, L. van der Giessen, P. Boettcher, R. Baumung
15:15Implementing the GPA: the importance of monitoring the Transboundary breeds in Europe
E. Charvolin-Lemaire, D. Tsiokos, E. Sturaro, C. Ligda
15:30The European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) Ex Situ Conservation Working Group: stronger together in the sustainable use of Animal Genetic Resources
F. Tejerina, C. Danchin, M. Castellanos
15:45EUGENA – bringing together the nationally designated AnGR gene banks in Europe
Z. Duchev, F. Tejerina, SJ. Hiemstra
16:00Status of implementation of (EU) 2016/1012 for endangered breeds: Status quo and challenges in Mediterranean countries
L. Balzar, H. Göderz, J. Wider, C. Danchin, S. J. Hiemstra, M. Spoelstra
16:30Coffee break
17:00Implementing a farmer aid scheme for innovative phenotyping and high-throughput genotyping studies of Cyprus sheep and goats
G. Maimaris, A. C. Dimitriou, S. Andreou, S. Panayidou, T. Christofi, L. Koniali, P. Savvides, P. Markou, G. Hadjipavlou
17:15Ibero-American Society on the Conservation of the Local Domestic Animal Biodiversity for the Sustainable Rural Development. CONBIAND NETWORK
J. V. Delgado Bermejo
17:30Fostering cooperation for the management of animal genetic resources in the Mediterranean region
C. Ligda, E. Sturaro, G. Hadjipavlou, E. Charvolin-Lemaire
Thursday 25th April
Session 2. Combining the diversity of genetic resources and farming practices to ensure resilience at different scales, in the Mediterranean and other harsh environments
- Room: ARI Seminar Room
- Chair: Ligda / Charvolin-Lemaire
- Session Type: Theme session
15:00Breed diversity in the Mediterranean region, setting the scene
G. Leroy, L. van der Giessen, P. Boettcher, R. Baumung
15:15Implementing the GPA: the importance of monitoring the Transboundary breeds in Europe
E. Charvolin-Lemaire, D. Tsiokos, E. Sturaro, C. Ligda
15:30The European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) Ex Situ Conservation Working Group: stronger together in the sustainable use of Animal Genetic Resources
F. Tejerina, C. Danchin, M. Castellanos
15:45EUGENA – bringing together the nationally designated AnGR gene banks in Europe
Z. Duchev, F. Tejerina, SJ. Hiemstra
16:00Status of implementation of (EU) 2016/1012 for endangered breeds: Status quo and challenges in Mediterranean countries
L. Balzar, H. Göderz, J. Wider, C. Danchin, S. J. Hiemstra, M. Spoelstra
16:30Coffee break
17:00Implementing a farmer aid scheme for innovative phenotyping and high-throughput genotyping studies of Cyprus sheep and goats
G. Maimaris, A. C. Dimitriou, S. Andreou, S. Panayidou, T. Christofi, L. Koniali, P. Savvides, P. Markou, G. Hadjipavlou
17:15Ibero-American Society on the Conservation of the Local Domestic Animal Biodiversity for the Sustainable Rural Development. CONBIAND NETWORK
J. V. Delgado Bermejo
17:30Fostering cooperation for the management of animal genetic resources in the Mediterranean region
C. Ligda, E. Sturaro, G. Hadjipavlou, E. Charvolin-Lemaire
Session 3. Novel apiculture and alternative animal species research findings
- Room: ARI Seminar Room
- Chair: Hadjipavlou / Casasús
- Session Type: Plenary session
9:00Precision livestock farming to increase the resilience of Mediterranean grazing systems
F. Maroto Molina, E. Padrón Tejera, M. J. García García
9:30Towards sustainable and innovative Mediterranean pastoral systems
A. Ragkos
10:00Breeding sheep fit for the future: how do we make them more resilient?
J. Conington
Poster Session
Session 4. Nutrients, feed, feed additives and product quality in a changing environment
- Room: CyI Fresnel Auditorium
- Chair: Ligda / Hadjipavlou
- Session Type: Theme session
14:00Bison: wildlife preservation, culture and farming
Y. Montanholi
14:15Camel hair-types – preliminary results from a phenotype-genotype analysis
S. Bruno, E. Ciani, K. M. Akbar, H. Alhaddad
14:30Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in wild and farmed European seabass and gilthead seabream Mediterranean populations
J. Fernández, R. López de la Torre, A. Fernández, M. Saura, G. Mir-Arribas, C. S. Tsigenopoulos, B. Villanueva
14:45DonKeyWorld: a comprehensive study on Equus asinus from biodiversity management to milk nutraceutical and technological properties
M. Ablondi, S. Chessa, E. Ciani, C. Cipolat-Gotet, V. Landi, F. Tiezzi
15:00Is beekeeping sustainable in the Mediterranean under Climate Change?
J. FIlipi, N. Adjlane, L. Charistos, Š. Kolega, M. Kovačić, F. Requier, C. Riva, F. Hatjina
15:15Coffee break
15:45Future climate assessments in Mediterranean basin countries and possible impact on beekeeping and pollination requirements of crops
K. Tolika, F. Requier, A. Varnava, M. Stavrinides, G. Sperandio, G. Gilioli, A. De Franscesco, A. Simonett0, F. Hatjina
16:00Diversity of breeding goals and practices of organic and non organic beekeepers: the cases of beekeepeers from selection groups in southern France
A. Lauvie, J. Labatut, O. Eck, C. Lepagnol
Friday 26th April
Session 5. Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies at animal, feed production and farming system level
- Room: CyI Fresnel Auditorium
- Chair: Hadjipavlou / Omirou
- Session Type: Theme session
9:00How to select a heat tolerant cow?
I. Misztal
9:30Economic weights for traits of economic interest in dairy sheep breeding programs under the context of climate change
M. Ramon, M. J. Carabaño, C. Díaz, D. Martín-Collado, M. J. Milán
9:45Validation of selection signatures for coat color in the Podolica gray cattle breed
S. Bruno, G. Rovelli, V. Landi, F. Sbarra, A. Quaglia, F. Pilla, E. Lasagna, E. Ciani
10:00Using the Illumina 50k SNP Array as a tool in barley breeding for the first time in Cyprus
N. Price, E. Christofidou, M. Omirou, D. A. Fasoula
10:15From Barn to Biosphere: Tracing Summer Emissions from Goat and Cow Manure in Cyprus
K. Philippou, A. M. Savvides, A. Phokas, G. Themistocleous, D. Sparaggis, G. Hadjipavlou, M. Omirou, I. M. Ioannidis
10:30Coffee break
11:00The Effects of Thermal Stress on Dairy Cattle: Global Predictions from a High-Resolution Analysis
M. Neira, P. Georgiades, T. Economou, Y. Proestos, J. Araya, J. Lelieveld
11:15Quantifying Methane Emissions from Cattle Farming in the Mediterranean: Insights from the CH4LKIDIQY Campaign
R. Papaconstantinou, M. Kezoudi, PY. Quehe, C. Keleshis, JD. Paris, J. Sciare
11:30Monitoring and modelling water use of rainfed barley to assess livestock feed production in a changing Mediterranean climate
A. Bruggeman, H. Djuma, I. Sofokleous, M. Eliades, N. Christodoulou, D. Fasoula, G. Zittis, C. Zoumides
11:45Climate change and extremes in the island of Cyprus: from historical trends to future projections
G. Lazoglou, G. Zittis, P. Hadjinicolaou
Session 6. Enhancing opportunities and tackling challenges for Livestock Farming Systems in the Mediterranean and less favoured areas: from animal to farm level
- Room: ARI Seminar Room
- Chair: Poulopoulou
- Session Type: Theme session
9:00When the perceived adaptation of a local breed contributes to its geographical extension: the example of the Corsican sheep breed
A. Lauvie, C. Artis, L. Garçon
9:30Strategies for the production of beef calves by dairy cows – The STAR(T) BEEF project
T. Tsiligianni, E. Krystallidou, S. Tsiligianni, E. Souglis, A. Saratsi, Z. Kazlari, C. Rekkas, F. Samartzi, C. Ligda
9:45Solar grazing in Greece: Current situation and future prespectives
M. Karatzia, V. Kotsampasi, Z. Basdagianni
10:00Valorisation of the unique characteristics of extensive livestock for the production of certified antibiotic-free products
D. Tsiokos, MA. Karatzia, D. Loukovitis, D. Chatziplis, A. Parianos
10:30Coffee break
11:00Perinatal mortality of the Cyprus Chios sheep breed, primary analysis of a reference population
T. Christofi, G. Hadjipavlou
11:15Effect of extender composition on the liquid storage and cryopreservation of Skopelos buck semen
A. Saratsi, F. Samartzi, D. Tsiokos, I. Panagiotidis, C. Ligda
11:30Portable nanosensor for rapid detection and characterization of botulinum neurotoxins in cattle
G. Shtenberg
11:45Economic performance of sheep farms in Cyprus
S. Sokratous, A. Theodoridis, A. Ragkos, G. Arsenos